

Target Left-click on the monster or character you want to attack. Their status bar will appear on top of your screen.

Attack Once you’ve targeted a monster or character, there are several ways you can attack it: – Left-click the monster again – Hit the spacebar – Use a Skill or Force

If you don’t want to continuously hit the spacebar or left-click your mouse for continuously attacks, you can change your setting to “Automatic Attack Mode.” This mode is toggled on and off by pressing the hotkey “Z” or “CTRL+Z” or pressing the “Attack Mode” icon on your belt.

Manual Attack Mode

Hit spacebar once = attack once Left-click once = attack once

Automatic Attack Mode


Opponent’s Status Bar

Name: Name of opponent HP Gauge: Remaining HP gauge of opponent Type: Monster type of character’s race

Player vs Monster (PvE)

Monsters are indicated in yellow on your interface’s radar. Be careful – some monsters will attack you if you get too close to them, even if you don’t attack first. These monsters are labeled as aggressive. You can check whether or not a monster is aggressive by looking for the “Aggressive” icon on the monster’s status bar.

Player vs Player (PvP)

You can attack other players of different races anywhere other than in safe zones. Safe zones include HQ’s and most buildings. You can easily differentiate between the different races solely by their looks. Their names will also be a different color than your race.

Character belongs to:Bellato names will appear:Cora names will appear:Accretia names will appear:













Chaos Potions

You won’t be able to attack members of your own race unless you use a Chaos Potion (or Chaos Chargers) on your character, Chaos Potions are found in the Master’s Small Gift (from Rare Ore processing) Players who have consumed a Chaos Potion will have their names displayed in red, and can be attacked everyone (same race).\

Chaos Potions for Accretia
Chaos Potions for Bellato
Chaos Potions for Cora

Chaos Cure Potions

You can cure your characters from Chaos Mode with Chaos Cure Potions. It’s available to purchased in Hero NPC. Your character also automatically can turn into normal mode without use this potion after several minutes using chaos potion.


Last updated