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Combination Guides

What Are Combinations?

In RF Online, combinations involve mixing and matching different elements to achieve powerful outcomes. This includes crafting items, enhancing skills, managing resources, and more. Understanding how to effectively combine these elements is crucial for progressing in the game.

Learn about the different types of Talics and their uses in enhancing gear.

Discover how to combine jewels for powerful enhancements.

Understand the role of Excelsiar Pieces in crafting and upgrades.

Explore the different types of Excelsiars and their specific uses.

Learn about Force Reavers and their applications in combinations.

Discover how to utilize Rare Ore for crafting and enhancements.

Understand the different types of ores and their roles in combinations.

Learn how Holystone Pieces can be used in crafting and upgrading items.

Discover the process of decomposing booty to extract valuable resources.

Explore the uses of charms and generators in combinations.

Learn how to use Seal Charms and Broken Generators effectively.

Discover how to combine resources to obtain and enhance boosters (jetpacks).

Learn the steps to obtain the coveted Golden Cape.

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